Does this sound like you?

  • You know about the basic investing options that are out there, but you have no idea what investment type(s) are best for you and your family's exact situation

  • You're tight on time and don't want to spend hundreds of hours reading books or listening to podcasts on personal finance that feel MBA-level complicated

  • You want to see your money grow, but you're so afraid you'll lose it all when you invest it that you just let it sit there in a regular savings account

  • You're tired of general finance advice and want to build a guilt-free game plan that helps you automate your investing, even if you're starting from $0

  • For every paycheck that passes, you feel like you're letting your family down by not building a more steady and secure financial future for them

Here's what you're about to unlock:

Investment Strategy

We've read *just* about every personal finance + investing book on the market, but one thing we've found? Most investment strategies are great for individuals, but family financial + investment planning could use some serious help. 

When you enroll in Your First $1k, you'll rest easy knowing that planning your family's investment portfolio can be an easy conversation you actually look forward to: just add this course plus your nearest dinner table


If there's one thing we've seen lately, it's that sometimes the economy, your income, and your household expenses can be unpredictable. But here at Future Funders, we don't think that should stop your and your family from investing. 

We think that creating a game plan that is % based is the easiest and most sustainable to automate your investments. 

Short & Sweet


Who says you need a finance degree or 10,000 hours of randomg Google searches to get wise about investing? You want smart and simple financial education that feels more like a chat with a friend than unsolicited advice from some stuffy dude on Wall Street. That's why we asked our founder, Will, to do it. 

Inside of Your First $1k, you'll discover how to create a long term investment strategy that's easy to start and stay on top of.


Between school drop off and making sure dinner's ready by 6, you're busy. And the absolute last thing you want is to buy a course that collects dust in your inbox and your money to just sit there, uninvested. 

We designed this course to also tell you WHERE to invest your $—like our favorite crypto funds, roboadvisors, and more—so you can take action and start investing in your family's financial future as soon as you download this course. 

And wouldn't it be cool if...

  • Your household had a guilt-free game plan to start investing today—whether you started with $10 or $1,000+? 

  • Your risk tolerance was the key to discovering which investment type(s) were right for you and your family?

  • You could ditch the messy spreadsheets and budget trackers and easily automate your investments based on your household's percentage allocation? 

  • You could filter out the (often unsolicited) financial advice from your friends and relatives and build a long-term investment strategy that is smart, simple, and streamlined?

  • You felt excited and empowered to learn about investing, instead of overwhelmed, ashamed, or embarrassed for being "so far behind"? 

✓  31 straightforward video lessons teaching you everything you need to know about investing, designed specifically for families 

✓  9 investment types—organized by high, medium, and low-risk options—so you can create a customized investment strategy that matches your risk tolerance

✓  3 lessons revealing the money mindset truths that will make you a better investor

✓  An exclusive return calculator specially formulated to show what your investments could look like based on your portfolio and risk level(s)

✓  12 bonus FAQ videos answering your biggest investment-specific Qs all thanks to questions asked by our loyal Dinner Table Discussions newsletter readers

And the best part?

It's only $19.

Here's what else is waiting for you:

  • Determine Your Household Risk Tolerance Quiz
    We think what *other* financial brands get wrong is dishing our financial advice without taking your comfort level with risk into account. That's why we included a 5 question quiz to discover your level of risk that informs a certain % recommendation to help you diversify your portfolio for maximum returns.
  • The Investment Return Allocation Calculator
    You'll get access to this easy-to-use spreadsheet so you can determine your % preference of high, medium, and/or low-risk investments. Once you feel confident about your allocations, you'll be able to continue in the course to decide the SPECIFIC investment type(s) that work best for you, your family, and your risk tolerance.
  • 25 Places You Can Start Investing Today
    When you enroll, you'll also receive instant access to 25 private equity funds, roboadvisors, cryptocurrency, stocks, and other investing options that we recommend to our readers.
  • 10 Qs to Ask Before Loaning Money to a Friend or Family Member
    If you've ever considered angel investing in the private company or small business that's owned by a friend or family member, we've got you covered. You'll understand the 5-step due diligence process to follow plus 10 questions to ask before you invest in a personal connection while minimizing your financial risk.
  • 15 Qs to Ask Before Hiring a Financial Advisor
    If you're in the market for a financial advisor (or think you might be in the future), you'll also get access to our list of 15 must-ask questions before you hire someone to manage your money on your behalf.

I'm the founder and CEO of Future Funders, but at home my two daughters—Scarlett and Chloe—just call me "Dad."

And much like you, I want to create financial stability and generational wealth for my family, so we can enjoy our time together and live a life we love. 

I've spent 15+ years in private investing for my day job, but when I became a dad just a few years ago, I noticed something...kind of disappointing. 

During one of our dinner table discussions, my wife and I couldn't stop talking about how most personal finance information is geared toward the individual, not for families. Future Funders was born shortly after. 

We created Your First $1k so you can make smart investment decisions with any amount of money.

Whether you made $1,000 selling furniture on Facebook, got a big bonus at work, or want to convert some of your savings into strategic investments. 

You've got Qs? We've got As

  • Who is this course for?
    This course is for anyone who is looking to create a smart, simple, and sustainable investment strategy for their family and household. You DO NOT have to have prior knowledge of investments to see success with this course. We designed this course for anyone who is ready to start investing—whether you have $10 or $1,000+ to get started.
  • What makes this course different from other investment books or products?
    We've read the books and got the t-shirt—just like you. While we think other investment information out there is "good", we've found that it tends to be too generalized, especially for families who are interested in building generational wealth.

    We wanted to create a product that empowers families who are interested in investing, but aren't sure what options are available to them. We also wanted to help you create a long-term investment strategy that is percentage-based (not $-based), so you can get started whether you only have a few extra dollars to spare without feeling ashamed about it.
  • How much time do I need to devote to this course to be successful?
    This course content is considered go-at-your own pace, so "it depends." We know...lame answer. We recommend setting aside about 4 hours to fully watch and read through the materials or work on the content in 30-45 minute chunks (perfect for nap time!).

    We've also intentionally designed this content so you can revisit it at any time.
  • What is your refund policy?
    Due to the nature of this course content, we do not offer refunds for ANY reason. All sales are final.

✓  31 straightforward video lessons teaching you everything you need to know about investing, designed specifically for families 

✓  9 investment types—organized by high, medium, and low-risk options—so you can create a customized investment strategy that matches your risk tolerance

✓  3 lessons revealing the money mindset truths that will make you a better investor

✓  An exclusive return calculator specially formulated to show what your investments could look like based on your portfolio and risk level(s)

✓  12 bonus FAQ videos answering your biggest investment-specific Qs that we get asked by the loyal readers of our Dinner Table Discussions newsletter

  • Total payment
  • 1xYour First $1k$19

All prices in USD

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